hi y’all! long time, no update. i know, i know – i kinda suck at keeping up with this site. but truth be told, ever since my brain surgery last fall, i have been fairly blocked creatively and haven’t really been doing much art-ing. i’m trying to bust out of that inertia so hopefully i’ll have more to report soon.
but for now, i just wanted to make a quick post to tell you about this cool thing that happened recently. backstory: i’ve been on etsy since 2006, which is a really long time. and i’ve been selling stickers and t-shirts with my original designs for many of those years. but only recently have a few of my designs gotten interest from outside organizations wanting to license them! i’m pretty protective of my work and won’t just license my designs to anyone – so far i’ve only done it a few times and to non-profits whose missions i support and believe in.
in 2018 i licensed my “educate agitate organize” design to the davis-putter scholarship fund in louisville, ky, who made t-shirts to give out to their donors and recipients. it was really cool to have one of my activism-themed designs going back to the louisville community that took such good care of me in the post-katrina years. i didn’t know about dpsf before they approached me but turns out they are a really cool organization that supports young social justice activists. check them out!
and then earlier this year i got a query from planned parenthood of south texas about my “keep loving keep fighting” design. the first time they contacted me, they wanted to use the red design as-is for their e-newsletter around valentine’s day. so i said yes. and then they got back in touch with me last month because they wanted to make stickers to give out to their clients who come in for services. so we worked together to modify my design to fit their branding. i kinda love it in pink!

so if you know anyone in south texas who uses planned parenthood for their health services, tell ’em to go get their free sticker!
other than that, not much going on. i’ve been playing around with my teespring store trying to update it but in the process accidentally erased everything, so it will be a minute before i get it all sorted again. i’ll make a new post when i do. til then, hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the summer!