march update

just a quick note to say i’ve been forced to take a short pause on the art life to regroup. there are some changes happening in my living arrangements which i will share once they are completed, but it’s all part of the plan for my year of change and refocus on my art practice. i’m excited and can’t wait for the dust to settle.

in the meantime, i’ve just added a mailchimp mailing list signup widget on the right (or below, if you are on mobile), or you could just go here to signup. a million years ago i used to send out a monthly newsletter manually using gmail; now i’m gonna try to get all high tech and use mailchimp.

it won’t probably be monthly to start as i’m not sure i’ll have new updates that frequently but that will be a goal. i will of course continue to update via social media and this website but if you’d rather just get it in your inbox so you don’t have to remember to go looking for me, please do sign up. once i get fully back into production mode, there will be perks to being on my mailing list.